5 Health Hacks to Hone Your Hormones March 7, 2019 – Posted in: Pueraria Mirifica

Hormones have a substantial effect on each woman’s emotional, physical and mental state. When hormones become imbalanced due to lifestyle or age, they can affect how you feel in many ways, including mood swings or low energy levels. Many people struggle to balance their hormones. In fact, hormone imbalances are so widespread that they account for billions of dollars in healthcare costs, according to ASEA. If you’ve had changes in your hormones, there are a few health hacks to fine-tune your metabolism’s natural balance and feel more like yourself.

Exercise Regularly

Staying physically active can have a significant impact on your hormonal health, and it helps control insulin and other hormone levels. Ace Fitness explains that, if you’re trying to regulate insulin levels, make sure to not drink high sugar drinks (like energy or sports drinks) before working out. You can drink them after you’ve started sweating.

If you drink them before, your body will only hold onto all those sugars and won’t burn them. Consider strength training, participating in aerobics and performing endurance exercises three to five times each week. Exercising on a consistent basis is also proven to boost muscle-maintaining hormones that can decline with age. Overstating the health benefits of a regular exercise regimen is difficult.

Heal Your Gut

Hormonal issues can often be a direct result of an unhealthy gut, which can cause digestive complications and other problems. Start by taking probiotics each day. Avoid eating processed foods, and begin taking supplements like slippery elm or L-glutamine to rebuild the gut lining. The hormones that control your appetite are affected when your gut is unhealthy because it promotes the growth of harmful bacteria.

This imbalance between good bacteria and bad bacteria alters the levels of ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin is like an alarm that rings every time you’re hungry, and it’s time to eat, and leptin lets you know you’re full, and it’s time to put the fork down. Fermented foods and bone broth can also heal the gut. This healing will allow the hormones to become more regulated over time. Increasing your fiber intake is essential to improving digestion and motility. Avoiding sugar is also significant. This substance can feed bad bacteria, which could lead to issues with yeast and candida.

Manage Stress

One of the leading causes of unbalanced hormones is a high-stress level, which affects cortisol and adrenaline. Cortisol allows the body to cope with stress. Adrenaline is the fight-or-flight hormone that boosts energy levels when you’re in the presence of immediate danger. T

oo much adrenaline or a lack of cortisol can throw the body out of balance. Dr. Steven Lin explains that it’s essential to manage our cortisol and stress by setting aside time to relax each day. Try reading or meditating. Unplugging from technology, spending time in nature and keeping a journal could all prove to be effective in keeping your stress levels to a minimum.

Cut Back on Your Alcohol Consumption

Too much alcohol consumption can wreak havoc with the hormonal system by interfering with the glands that release hormones. The Recovery Village explains that binge drinking (five or more drinks a day) had detrimental effects on hormone balance over time. It’s also a sign of alcohol abuse. Cut back your alcohol consumption to ensure that the proper hormones are being produced, and if you have symptoms of addiction, seek professional treatment.

Try Pueraria Mirifica

Pueraria Mirifica is derived from a plant in northern and northeastern Thailand and Myanmar. The compounds in the plant mimic the hormone estrogen, and they’re ideal for alleviating symptoms of menopause caused by the decrease in estrogen that naturally occurs as a woman ages. It also has fewer side effects compared to hormone replacement therapies, and it’s not linked to cancer.

Adjusting your well-being is within your grasp. You don’t need to resort to using prescription medication or unnatural methods for balancing your hormones. With the right changes made in your lifestyle and diet, you can regulate how you feel both emotionally and physically.