Natural Ways to Alleviate the Pain Caused by Various Types of Common Headaches December 31, 2019 – Posted in: Health & Wellness

Most people have experienced the discomfort of a throbbing headache that demands your undivided attention for what seems like hours. The following are three common types of headaches along with natural remedies to ease their pain.


Migraine headaches produce a deep, pulsing pain in the head that can literally affect sufferers for days. These types of headaches will usually affect one side of your head and make it very difficult to carry out your normal daily activities. Migraine sufferers are often sensitive to light and might experience a bit of nausea and vomiting. There are several possible migraine triggers, but whatever the cause, you just want relief.

A number of natural remedies and activities have been known to bring relief to migraine sufferers. Inhaling lavender oil for 15 minutes is one natural remedy that has displayed proven effects. Applying peppermint oil to the forehead and temples is also a promising solution to migraines. If your migraines are connected to spinal issues or tension, alleviating those issues through chiropractic care can also reduce the frequency of your migraines.

Sinus Headaches

The common cold and seasonal allergies are prevalent causes of sinus pressure. This pressure blocks nasal passages and can result in significant pain to the face, head, and nose. Sinus headaches can be debilitating enough that sufferers remain in bed until the pain and misery run their course.

The steam from a hot shower can provide much-needed moisture to your sinus passages if you inhale deeply while underneath the water. Steam will also thin out the mucus that is responsible for causing your headache. A good saline flush can help provide you with relief. Other natural treatments include exercise, drinking lots of fluids, and getting plenty of rest.

Tension Headaches

If you feel a dull, aching sensation that feels as if it affects your entire head, you could be suffering from a tension headache. You might also feel tenderness in areas like your face, forehead, neck, scalp, and shoulder muscles.

Tension headaches can affect anyone and are common among people who experience great stress. Ginger tea eliminates inflammation and is also recommended for people with tension headaches. Individuals suffering from tension headaches have also turned to massages and acupuncture to rid themselves of the pain in their heads.

Everyone is affected by headaches from time to time. These headaches can have many causes, but all are capable of completely ruining your day and causing you to become totally unproductive. The ability to identify the three types of headaches above and negate the effects they have on you can pay huge dividends the next time the pain in your head begins.

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