History of Pueraria Mirifica July 23, 2018 – Posted in: Pueraria Mirifica

Pueraria Mirifica is a traditional plan which belongs to the “Leguminosae” family. Its scientific name is Pueraria Mirifica Airy Shaw and Suvatabandhu. Many people also know it as “White Kwao Krua” or “Kwao Krua Kao.” This herb is found abundantly in Thailand. It is a climbing plant which is typically located deep in the forest of mountainous areas. There are three small leaves and purple blooms on the top of each branch. Its round-shaped roots varied in size and weight depending on the climate and environment of where it grows. Although it’s told that the plants in the same family of Pueraria are common in other countries in Asia, they are different from Pueraria Mirifica due to their qualities and properties. There are four main types of Kwao Krua in Thailand including Pueraria Mirifica (White Kwao Krua), Butea Superba (Red Kwao Krua), Mucuna Collettii (Black Kwao Krua) and Kwao Krua Mor (Dull Grey Kwao Krua); however, Pueraria Mirifica is believed to be the best species with high effectiveness. In Thailand, the Ministry of Public Health has officially endorsed Pueraria Mirifica due to the long history along with various scientific data that supports its safety and efficacy.

For hundred years, local people in Thailand have used this miracle herb for many purposes including health benefits and rejuvenation. Firstly, the stories of Pueraria Mirifica’s properties had spread through oral tradition. Then, Luang Anusang wrote a book in 1931 to present about this amazing herb and claimed that it is proper for cosmetics. People all over the world were interested in his ideas making this herb so popular. Apart from its benefits on the youthful skin, he also indicated that it could improve the memory.

The root of Pueraria Mirifica is the secret key of its high properties. It contains high natural Phytoestrogens such as daidzein, genistin, genistein, B-Sitosterol, stigmasterol, coumestrol, pueraria, campesterol, mirificoumestan, kwakhurin, and mirificine. However, the most potent active compounds in Pueraria Mirifica are miroestrol and deoxymiroestrol. Therefore, it is the reason why it is an excellent alternative hormone replacement for women with menopausal symptoms like hot flushes, mood swings, low libido, menstrual cramps, sleep problems and weight gain due to the imbalanced hormone levels. People also use it as a daily health supplement for healthy hair health, bone health, blood circulation, skin health, so forth. Today, Pueraria Mirifica becomes more popular because of its reputation on breast enlargement. As it can boost estrogen levels, the breast tissues will be stimulated to grow, and the breast appearance will also be improved giving you the aspired beautiful breast curves. It is also an active item to fight against aging signs and last your youthfulness. With all of its benefits, there is no doubt why Pueraria Mirifica is the best natural nourishment for both men and women health since the past until now.